10 February 2011

Horizontal Switch Technological Approach

Just fell over today´s news ''Thinking cap' stimulates heightened insight'. Striking for me now and here, because after my yesterday´s essay on the vertical, one of my next intentions surely would have been to continue with  the horizontal separation, including what we, humans, consider as 'right', for this having 'left' behind a good part of us. Well, it´s surely interesting for someone who is 'only right', to get a glimpse into the other world.

'The author’s findings are consistent with evidence that the right anterior temporal lobe is associated with insight or novel meaning and that inhibition of the left anterior temporal lobe can induce a cognitive style that is less top-down, less influenced by preconceptions'.

Exactly - here we go.

'"The dream is that one day we may be able to stimulate the brain in a particular way to give you, just momentarily, an unfiltered view of the world," said Snyder.'

'“You wouldn’t use this to study or to help your memory,” Snyder told AFP. “You would use this if you wanted to look at a problem anew.” “If you wanted to look at the world, just briefly, with a child’s view, if you wanted to look outside the box.”' ''Thinking cap' makes brain waves in Australia'

That´s what I mean, it is about. And that is why the time is overdue for a turn ... at least to re-connect to what the ones who think that they are right, and all their followers, have by all means attempted to have left behind.

Have a great day for now,

(Emphasis by the author, Original Source: AFP)
For more: Savant for a Day By Lawrence Osborne Published: June 22, 2003

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