24 April 2014

Bits by Bits

Pieces by pieces.

There are a lot of pieces. We all come together at a point. Meet, understand (or not), and leave.

Those who are left are very much left when they have over adapted. See the post before - to maybe understand nothing in first instance, but grow it. It is like seed. Your sub understands. Sometimes we realize with conscious brains only decades after something, some circumstance, has happened. Enjoy it when it comes. Whoosh, when out of the sudden the flash hits. Embrace it, for it is good.Good is good, always. Just some times it is us who miss access to it.

I told you 'continued'.

The country I am born in, recently handcuffed me for using body language in a situation where this was most appropriate.

Rural people, 50-70 years behind in evolution and in this case, stuffed into a police woman's uniform, those with all their depression and mountains of minority complexes towards 'citi-zens', feel offended by anyone who is not as depressed as they are. Their mother never dared to face ol' Daddies wantings and authority - and wow, now a woman is clearly speaking out what's wrong, and even is gesturing - oops, no, women should not gesture, they should protect themselves in Daddy's year 194something. Case for getting her quiet, as Daddy had showed them. Over-asked with any situation that is not according to their simple village structure, they clearly are the very wrong people in the very wrong task.

Now, happy to be in a place the sun (god) has blessed but which is yet in a kind of suppression, I really feel how it moves away from me.

It is never good to not be yourself - unfortunately, rigid systems conform people and reduce them. Like countryside primitive social pressure, religions primitive social pressure, oppressive political systems (... primitive social pressure). All appealing to the fears of people - and people not overcoming this fears when being traumatized, and re-traumatized and ... and so on.

Then these such 'Pawlowed People' move around, by public education able to catch jobs they by no means may manage, dwelling in illusions that they are 'someone' which they are, of course, by no means. Honestly, they, fresh from the stable and with IQ and EQ of dairy maids and stable boys (who, the real versions, might be poets compared to what is flooding the cities and opportunities), make it to some pseudo-academic degree with all the arrogance training included, This is dangerous power definitely in wrong hands. Should I be happy if this my country declines? I tell you, sometimes I wished so. Any country which enables and fosters worst features, and has laws and rules only for those who care - which is of course the wrong way around - is dooming itself to loosing the precious members. Those, slowly and silently, have for long quit. Maybe not yet physically. But clearly quit.

They are, physically, still around. Innerly - they are not. 
Anyone can immigrate - but we can not emigrate. 
What is just about this?

They are gone. How does a culture survive when those who backbone a culture, are gone? Good luck, anyway. Politicians, definitely, should wake up. if someone has the power, has privileges, he (or she) also has duties. Lots of duties, actually. More duties than anyone else.

Good morning, Europe. 

You won't work with the cheapest option and chemically neuro-damaged inhabitants.

Or, as someone, academic, wrote on a discussion platform: It is not economical to invest in Western European. You get humans cheaper from somewhere else, xxland, for instance.

And what about so precious diversity - and what about quality?

A clearly forgotten, suppressed, left-handed (right-brained) skill in a right-handers (right-voters) world? See. All is connected and we all get what they sow.

Cheers on this!
It is - Still Life.