30 September 2012

Finding of the Day - Respect

Everyone deserves to be treated with the same respect he or she also is showing towards others plus some as advance. 

We are nice people, aren't we?

When the advance is used up ... how can people imagine they can demand respect they are not ready to give, for themselves? Flow depends on balance. Where there's no flow, any thing gets stuck. Sooner or later. In the big world and the small. In the visible world and in the invisible.

'Respect' by amee@work Ameetav Nangrani, found on Flickr.com

Think about it if you like so. Re-Inspect 'Respect if you like so, only, too.

We won't forget to re-inspect -'respect'- our self?

Cheers and a smile for
the week to come.

Yours, Lyn

26 September 2012


Leben auf dem Mars V
Humans need to
turn to
to turn into

Else life is
when hope this
spark of

Just start to
turn to
to learn to

For the children who try to survive.

[Pic: isnogud_CT's photostream, Flickr]

12 September 2012


Something beautiful to experience, to feel and share.

Just feel with all your senses.


Thanks for being there,

Lyrics from lyricsmode.com

Cirque Du Soleil
Alegria lyrics

Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridare
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia

I see a spark of life shining
I hear a young minstrel sing
Beautiful roaring scream
Of joy and sorrow,
So extreme
There is a love in me raging
A joyous,
Magical feeling


09 September 2012

The Day That The Truth Lost Its Clothes

Another thanks for the insights of that evening of talk, dear T., and herewith the story that you mentioned for sharing with others in the only version I could get on the web. It is ... so beautiful in clarity as rarely to be found:
One day at the river of knowledge, The Truth and the Lie stood on one side, while a Wiseman stood on the other. The lie was cunning, and admired the clothing of the Truth. The Lie said to the Truth, "Do you see the Wiseman over there watching us? I'll bet you that I can swim over to him faster than you." The Truth said, "Well, I can only do my best, we will just have to see." So they both took off their clothes, and jumped into the river and began to swim toward the other side where the Wiseman sat watching them. The Truth was a very strong swimmer, but the Lie was much swifter. The Lie reached the other side first. The Wiseman asked him, "Who is that swimming in the river?" The Lie said, "It's the Truth, he has always been slower than me." After saying that, the Lie jumped back into the river and began to swim back to the other side. When the Truth finally reached the Wiseman, he stood up and looked back at the river, the Lie was almost halfway back across. The Wiseman said "Who is that swimming in the river?" The Truth said, "Oh, that is the Lie, he has always been swifter than me, but one of these days, I am going to beat him." As the Truth and the Wiseman spoke, they agreed upon many things. The Truth said, "I must return to get my clothes, but I will come to you again." So he jumped back into the river and began to swim stronger than before. When the Truth finally reached the spot where they had left their clothes, the Lie had already taken the Truth's clothes, and left his clothes for the Truth to wear. The Truth looked back to the other side where the Wiseman was watching, and said, "I have been tricked out of my clothes, but I will not wear the clothes of the Lie." The Truth said, "Until I can catch up with the Lie, I will have to go on, as The Naked Truth."
Found on bconx.blogspot.de and noted quoting A.J. Wright. I can't trace it at the moment, so I'll just take it as it is. If anyone knows ... please let me know.


I just realize how close the last two posts are connected. If we don't clear and clean out what does not fit and where we dwell in wishful assumptions, it may happen that life itself takes care of it - and thus takes care of us, actually in the best ways it can. Those can be tough lessons then, and hopefully we will understand them well and not only in the context they occur but permeate the general and fundamental correlations behind. It does not matter whether we believe in higher powers or any other connections ... same as it does not matter whether we believe in gravity or photosynthesis, in radiowaves or any other. We may filter away what we dislike to deal with, just like switching off the monitor of the diagnostic instruments - and yet, such will never change the facts which keep on co-acting.

Rely, Relay or Deal?

What comes around in certain stages in life is amazing, indeed. As I mentioned, it is quite good to just talk to strangers from time to time to get out of our little closets we call our minds. So it happened that recently I, independently one from the other, met two persons, male, who were left by their assumed 'partners' just in situations in life when they would have needed a reliable relation the most. I am pointing this out, as I, as a female, had only experienced the same the other way around. So I somehow had gotten the impression that it is males who are somewhat overasked with a little more demanding challenges in life. But as said, also my former perceptions are challenged for re-adjustment from time to time.

To one of them it happend that he got squeezed between a vehicle and the guardrail with the result that he himself was more or less technical total loss. His girlfriend, 'partner', showed up in hospital only a few days later to let him know that he will probably never be the same as he was before, and left him with these word for a rehabilitation he is in now for many, many years. Apart from the physical rehabilitation which is still ongoing after ten years, he also is struggling with the desillusion he was thrown into.

The other guy in his 42nd year of life, experienced the insight of carrying around a onehundredgrams tumor in his renal pelvis. When his 'partner' got to know about this, she withdrew from their 'relation' (remember, that should have to do with 'relying' so I'd better name it 'relytion' from now on to get that connection more clear). She instantly moved out from their joint living place. He underwent surgery,  chemical treatment and reconvalescence all alone to find that afterwards she showed up again when she got to know he is fine again. 

Well. What to say about such? Where I in my sometimes complicated ways then usually try to get a clue what's going on in such a person in detail and whether that person might simply have been severely overasked with a situation and thus reacted in the form of a short circuit, that man put it much simpler:

'It is good to know what you deal with, at last.'

And always it is only the situations where it matters which will show us the true face of someone. Even if someone whom we think we know really well. Still, we didn't know anything until some certain things had happened.

It's opening the eyes. 

And maybe the 'I's, too.
Hopefully. Faithfully.

That's why I cherish what's true so much.
As tiny and small or momentarily as it may be.
Or old and wise and huge - but silent for those who won't listen.
Truely, yours,