22 December 2016

Sensitive Times.

Obviously very sensitive times these are, these days.

Take Care!


Ishtar? Mother, Take It

Simply because I say, it is YOUR country now.

They can talk as much rubbish as it pleases them and still remain hollow; Ma'at has other rules.

Just take it. It's yours. I have kept it under observation b/c of your rules.

Mum, okay if you're taking over. Even if you killl many of them.



PS: We sanctify SUN, trees, squirrels and eternity.


And another essence, for A., friend that I thought I had lost but I had not because we are too near in what we sense:

Whenever I fight, fight for the sake of the Whole; it is YOU I need to be available virtually, VIRTUALLY YOU standing BESIDES me.

Where ever you are at that moment.

You give me strength. Simply: Because you exist. :-)

Where ever your are doesn't matter; what matters is that you ARE, with heart and soul. Here for me. Life is tricky; what matters is that WE

make it.

I know it is not so.

For the moment, though.




There are a view topics which indicate where you stand.

One of them: Diversity.

If you

a) need to talk about 'diversity' OR
b) have a staff that looks like a butterfly or beetles collection of colours and varieties

YOU HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD what diversity is,

for three decades, which is a full generation, STANDARD.

I know many companies which 'collect' girlies of all backgrounds, superficially. Boy are a problem initself; these teens in their 'threens' willl never become men, anyway. Wivish, as beasts can be.

Simply: This is NOT diversity.

This is a beetles or butterflies collection.

Proud of it? In 21st century - really?????

One Thing. And a Second.

One thing, speaking for itself:

Other thing:

"God bless children!

Remember, Berkin ELVAN".

Berkin Elvan was a boy, just a boy. Could have been your son, there in the Americas. Could have been my boy, sweet thirteen, in a supposed to be safe country. But he was in Turkey, in the wrong moment at the wrong place.

Berkin Elvas was one of many, but a better-known victim of terrorcracy Erdogan. Just a kid. Like yours or mine.

Innocent. Like many others. Going out for getting bread for the family, as so many kids are sent to.

One thing is for sure: We need those with courage, we need those journalists of courage, those people of heart and courage, all of them precious.

When I started my dedicated tracking on Turkey, actually a journalist in spe was the reason, the iginition for the causa Turkia was Mohammed Rasool.

His fate nevertheless has become the fate of so many others - journalists as well as democratic and secular politicians.

Else, if we would not have brave and courageous people, journalists, assistants, warriors, people making foood, and so many more - no one would know about Berkin Elvas. And about many many more. 

It ALL connects.

Me either didn't know, or only vaguely. I remembered, but events happen so tightly one after the other that it keeps you running, swimming on a surface. You must halt and inhale to not get swept away.

But I was reminded by someone. This was and is relevant and precious. Why? Because we are one relevant for the other. Don't sweep away those that re-mind - they have a purpose far beyond your own.

We as adults are responsible, it is not about instrumentalizing kids. It is about stanindg in and standing up for our future generation. Giving them a hand,

It s about FEELING our kids. FEELING our fellow humans, where ever they might be.

Doing the right thing HERE for that they ALL may have a future.

Difficult, isn't it, the more if you want to see it on a global scale - and not, this one is especially for vicious parents, not only for the sake of your own maybe desolate inbreed offspring without taking whole society of the future into account?

Love, take care of them, fill hearts with strength - just do your very best!!! :-)


20 November 2016

What Leftbrainers Don't Understand

What Leftbrainers don't understand:

If you want quantity you NEVER get quality.


06 October 2016

What some Men Obviously Don't Understand

What some men obviously don't understand, despite all the power they hold due to simply being born as men, is that at the very same moment they decide for or marry a woman without honour
They themselves are without honour.

To struggle oneself out of that fault is by far more difficult (and for most anyway impossible, that's why they keep complaining and projecting) than never making that mistake.

Bad fate.


25 September 2016

Communication Disabilities

These communication disabilities today are driving a sane human crazy.

No group can communicate anymore with the other. No individual with one another.

As if it was not enough that it is difficult enough to halfway communicate with oneself ...

But we All need 'the Other' to understand our selves.


We All

We All
Must come to the point
When we Know
We know Nothing
From That Moment On
We Start to Learn.


18 September 2016


Would you like to
Each time something new 
Comes around your
You run back
In what you already


Take care and have a good start into a good new week,

07 September 2016

Finding of the Day - On Kurdistan

Kurdistan the only place in the middle east that allows you to practice your religion freeely regardless of what it is. No wonder no Muslim country wants it to gain Independence!!
Comment on liveleak on pics of American YPG fighter Jordan Matson praying in church in Syria.

Have a good rest of the week,

08 August 2016


Today, I have lost my best friend. Just wanted to have it noted. Life is short. Idiots don't understand it.

Knowing it is not repairable, neverteless at the very moment: saudage

Uma da minhas maes. Love,

28 June 2016

New Old Society, Begin of 21st Century

If ...

  • ... knowledge and information society is lifting the unknowledgeable and uninformed into most relevant posts ...
  • ... "social media" install deeply anti-social attitudes and behaviours ...
  • ... democracy is used to build dictatorships ...
  • ... efforts for education lead to the most uneducated taking over all fields ...
  • ... diversity ends with nurturing people of all colours and languages but a same hardened mind ...
  • ... fostering equality leads to the bullying, those who already benefit most in patriarchal societies, pushing aside and out those who have initiated and fought for exactly those rights ...
  • ... you extract the creators, you end up with consumers only - all takers, no givers, no flow ...
... then ...
....... implosion is simply innate.

Have a nice and observative day,


PS: I am not the only one seeing such. In the late 1980s, Tracy Chapman put it in words in the lyrics of the song "Why":

Why do the babies starve
When there's enough food to feed the world
Why when there're so many of us
Are there people still alone
Why are the missiles called peace keepers
When they're aimed to kill
Why is a woman still not safe
When she's in her home

Love is hate
War is peace
No is yes
And we're all free

But somebody's gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon
Admidst all these questions and contradictions
There're some who seek the truth

But somebody's gonna have to answer
The time is coming soon
When the blind remove their blinders
And the speechless speak the truth

Since then, not only nothing has changed but the masses of the as the innovation lifecyle is putting it "early and late majorities" and even "laggards" are pushing aside the innovators just by sheer
"pre- (dator) dominance". 

That's how neither diversity nor societies ever functions but even that those won't understand. They feel encouraged because it is so many of them, so it's "the norm", and listening as any other use of senses is one of the capabilities that has gone completely lost.

But also another put the same stuff into similar words, and that's here:

And this is how things are. Don't even try to talk to anyone about it - they can't proceed the words due to this fact, anymore. As they have learned that everything means another thing than what is said. Goodbye, communication!

10 May 2016

This IS ...

... Turkey. Ms Merkel, Mr Tusk - your highly cherished business partner:

At the moment I am more in for collecting ... various information on my G+ account. You re-find the link in the right hand panel in 'Actuals'.

Some things would for long be self-explaining if people would just know enough. To KNOW though they only need to open their senses and start to see & listen!

Of course, this gets emotional some times - what else. People without emotions are called zombies - and such is what I am certainly not. Many politicians, leaders and influencers though lack both - brains AND a soul. It never works out, this is a fact and proven for long.

LoVe and hope things re-arrange in the utmost best ways for innocent people - while those who collaborate with sheer evil certainly have lost any right for empathy meanwhile. They know for long enough what they are doing and I am asking God to take care.


06 May 2016

These Are ...

... my children, and no one kills them for free.

Just be sure that

Revenge will be horrible

for every beautiful child

YOU have taken out of this life.

Kali, Xango and Oya are my witnesses.
This is my personal curse and
Ma'at will be valid for ever.


05 May 2016

Add. to 29-04-2016 'If Truth Hurts'

Not having known, just having found today what else happened on that 29:

So much bravery knowing well what one is probably facing, a real 'Peshmerga' - the ones confronting death.

Utmost respect, Sir Ferhat Encu. 

Turkey is past and over, the only thing an international community can do is to work for that any International Coalition might ASAP secure precious lives from that hopelessly false all-lie. Europe and US, in collaboration with Russia, please  - it is overdue. People are tired of seeing that mess that politics is creating, and of too many that has taken their all and their lives. EU supporting genocide, EU assisting in human trafficking - this is not what people who look behind support. Also can't anyone forever keep any halfway educated people stupid.

Wake up. Just do it.

And save the brave!

Would be so great.

29 April 2016

If Truth ...

... hurts the Ego, 

then there is something wrong with the Ego,

certainly not with the truth.


10 April 2016

Finding of The Day - Politics, Activists and Social Porn

I don't know what to say. People are being played with, it is merely disgusting. If you read through all my fromer posts of the recent years you might have noticed that I really disgust any plays like manipulation or instrumentalization.

(Idomeni 10.04.2016)

Sorry to all that are so devilish played with. I know we all are.
Let's at least start to see WHO IS IT WHO plays so irresponsably.

Or, in other terms: WHO ARE the GREAT WHORES?


Finding of The Day - 101 Years, and Not A Little Wiser

It is just amazing how little mankind learns.

On Genocide Denial, Gregory H. Stanton, formerly of the US State Department and the founder of Genocide Watch, lists denial as the final stage of genocide development:

"Denial is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide.

It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres.

The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses.

They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims."

Watch Turkey's South East especially Nusaybin, Yuksekova, additonally Armenia, Syria these days!

Times can Teach us
LoVe for All,
Not any cruelty though can be forgiven,
So that simply never will pass
That what is not admitted,
Returned back to Creation,
Into the Heart of Knowledge
Of what is Rightful and Good.

The Knowledge Knows
It, anyway
And Knowledge doesn't forget.

Whether you'd like to see this as a collective psychological rule or more from metaphysics aspects, or simply what is understood as The Ma'at is fully up to you.

Eternal rules always remain the same.

In principle needless to say but there are two effects which can destroy this process, too:

One is to blame the one that already admits even more and keeping oneself prettily covered about own acts. The other one is to keep dwelling in either the perpetrator or the victim role beyond the measure. This is quite a difficult one because who knows when the measure is achieved?

Both these behaviours then also turn the balance into unevenness.


03 April 2016

This IS How They Do It

As pretext, I would like in short add to my last post that certainly no one understands what is useful about a broken heart and to offer up one's life. People with hardened hearts, depending on consuming what is other's, can't be explained what life is about, anyway. They will always miss out the Beauty of All or what it means to give love instead of exploiting the same.

But now to what I today wish to share, for those who still are missing contexts and are kept in confusion about who and what are terrorists or not:


Here the Wikipedia intro "Jandarma İstihbarat ve Terörle Mücadele or Jandarma İstihbarat Teşkilatı (abbr. JİTEM or JİT; English: "Gendarmerie Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism" or "Gendarmerie Intelligence Organization")"


Because these guys are involved in lots of stuff which usually is not explained in open ways to the public. You certainly remember the Russian Aircraft Fighter that was for not even milliseconds passing through air space over Turkish lands. To be precise, it is not even Turkish land but Syrian, but this just by the way. While both pilots could save themselves from the plane, only one was saved - the other shot down while in the air hanging on his parachute and certainly could do nothing about. First it was lied that the perpetator had been Turkmen, a Turkish realed people living in Syria, but in fact that hobby warrior is the son of a Turkish Statesman (sry for not having the precise name and position at hand but this is sometimes the ways tracker work. If this would be a full-time role appropriately funded, I'd actually love to track all that shit down. Meanwhile, we all have to live with the kind of 'administrators' whom certainly no one would make a gardener but 'Europe' does. Not my fault).

So one of those interesting opinions reads like this:
Clear stuff, isn't it? That guy was meanwhile in and out Turkey, just as he pleases. 
This is how Turkey makes policy.

Or should we better say: This is how criminals are running Turkey as a country?

As a pretext to what I would like to link together a little later on,
you may like to read this one for the moment, as of 2011, in context with the JITEM wiki link provided you will understand:

For the claims that all those alleged 5,000 'PKK-Terrorists killed' since last year, already from this excerpt you may now guess how much is true who and what kind of people were killed. 

Besides that, they ways of violating and psychoterrorizing anyone for being member of an ethnie is ... what is it? Right. Genocide. And there is much, much more.

I am by the way never asking anyone to believe what I write - but I seriously wish you all to start making up your own minds in proper ways to be sure on whom and how you act.

Again, I spare you pictures but I'd think it can be helpful to have an impression on how that cruelty really looks. You can find respective sources easily as those Turk Fascists are as willing to share their deeds on twitter, just like Daesh. Took me some time to get it but the revamped abbreviation 'ISIST' is in this quite to the point. If you discuss with Turkfascists though, they will always try exactly the other way around to claim that "PKK = ISIS". Rubbish. Any illiterate knows, and this is no campaigned information as what those want to sell it, who fights ISIS. Turkey certainly not.

Therefore, you may ignore such, being clear about that:

a) with broken psyches, people are talking about themselves; that problem is named 'projection'.
b) certain societies are so used to never take responsibility but instead dwell on an inherited thief reflex to point at someone, calling out 'stop the thief'. It's nice distraction tactics and worked in Bosnia also well. Those IS breeding nests over there now will be cause for lots more fun for EU.
c) the copycat campaign of Mr Bush's 'War on terrorism' works nicely up to now. Why should then anything change? 

This is exactly how Turkey makes politics in its South-East plus in Syria and Iraq.

Supported and 'protected' because of 'self-defense' by NATO, US and EU. As a democratic citizen of such country, also I have, as many of you have, duty to speak up what our countries support. Not anyone please to later state: "But we didn't know".

All Europe, all US "knows" or must know. 

As said - violent, psychopathic perpetrators won't find the moment where it is 'emough' by themselves. But if they are backed up, they will accrue to top form. 

And this is why that man and background demons are not stopping their devilish deeds:

Til later, (won't edit typos at the moment)
Healing for those who need and so deeply deserve!


30 March 2016

All My Words Could Not Tell

... not even in part.

Song comes up at the very moment, probably being somewhere completely else with other God's children. Stay safe is all that I can pray on behalf.

LoVe, Yours,

23 March 2016

Terror and Fear

... is what the European 'elites' are producing.

Three generations of too good a life have obviously not brought forth the best but the worst in people.

Sure it is others who do the bombing.

It is known for quite some time by now that this world cannot sustain the way all relevant issues are handled by 'elites', politicians, their useful idiots, the so-called 'management' (who are not even capable of managing themselves!) and 'administration' (some bots with minor-options pre-programming) have set up in order to not create anything useful but to waste the rest we had by administrating it to death. This is over and over clearly visible, nothing changes (changed) though. Ever.

Two generations of Western kids have been severely isolated from their souls and supportive back-up, drawn into an absurde idea of entitlement and ruthless competion one against the other, everyone against everybody, incapable of social behaviours, collaboration or any normal communication.

Societies are falling back into scavenging in every regard. People who won't see this, I am not sorry for. They have only learned to behave the ways they do but they also, every single moment, the chance to think it over and turn to their innerst humanity. Instead, they turn against the very next, the very weakest, the very neediest. How great they are!

Values have been thrown over board, and people supposed to be adult are behaving like toddlers in their 'no'-phase of life. No organisation is able to work in itself when people are functioning on being 'against' only due to degeneration of socities and every single individual within.

Role models are styled which show absolutely no signs of brains but act out purely animalish emotional behaviours. This is applied in the US and just a little less in Europe - economy must grow - on every citizen even before birth.

Have everything, be everything, blast out everything in shamelesse ways and no matter how stupid, but never question what it is good for and who you really are is a poor approach to life.

Not that others would have any better solutions.
World is in mess just everywhere.

But it is nevertheless a story which also must be spoken out very clearly: There is a kind of severe degeneration over the past decades, which nobody except a few tried to steer into better directions.

Reality is that the ones with clearer view are even heavily attacked and cast out from society and living outcome, too. Those who make and have fine livings, even pensions - something most of us won't know anymore but as a term from the past-, most often own what they own because they took all they have from others, pushing others, often betters than themselves, rudely aside. It must be clear that in the whole of Europe, the generation after will have be left with ... nothing. Even not relations as relations were abused, and all that for the sake of the right for stupidity in abundance.

The masses follow that ideal - the ones who create it and the ones who rule and lead us are though the primary cause. With position and privilege comes responsibilites, so easy is that. Responsibility though seems to no more exist.

Some few feathers have no power to stop a Titanic, how much they wisper in the wind.

And it is relevant to notice the plank in the own eyes, too, of course.

During the last months, I was quite focussing on an issue which closely relates to what is responsibility of the West and of Europe, in order to not only 'survive' but to direct us all well and steer us out of dangerous waters. 'Us all', a certainly bigger group of people who is though closely connected. It matters.

It is us, the 'Europeans', 'the West', who failed - thanks to our 'leadership'.

Maybe we also will be looking out what other kind of actions will happen in the shade of this event?

We should.


16 March 2016

... Legally, Morally, and Politically Wrong ...

March 15, 2016, Human Rights Watch Letter to EU Leaders on Refugees

"Dear Prime Minister, [...]

We see three particularly harmful elements in the principles articulated on March 7:
1) fast-track mass returns to Turkey,

2) the proposal to resettle one Syrian refugee from Turkey for each irregularly arriving Syrian who is returned to Turkey; and

3) cooperation with Turkey on what appears to be the establishment of a “safe area” in Syria that would be used as a pretext to contain the flow of asylum seekers leaving that war-torn country.

We urge you to reject all three of these proposed elements.
They are legally, morally, and politically wrong, and if implemented would signal a stark repudiation of international law and the very values on which the European Union was founded. [...]

Meanwhile, all refugees in Turkey are struggling to find work, educate their children, and build dignified lives — essential elements of a “safe” refuge.

Human Rights Watch is also deeply concerned that in the interests of securing the Joint Action Plan to stem the flow of refugees and migrants, the EU is willing to turn a blind-eye as Turkey’s president cracks down on human rights and dismantles Turkey’s democratic framework.

This has been all too evident in the muted EU response to the near elimination of critical media as the Action Plan was being negotiated. The escalating conflict in the Southeast over the past few months suggests growing instability in Turkey and should be of grave concern.

For the EU at such a moment to diminish its support for a rights-respecting Turkey dramatically transforms the terms of the EU-Turkey relationship and may even contribute to Turkey’s authoritarian slide.

A very different approach is needed. [...]

Exactly this!

(Emphasis in quote was added by me)

Meanwhile, precious time, resources AND LIVES are being wasted. The last two years brabbling happened only on the cost of so much that could already be in place.

Watching consciously what is happening, it is evident that Europe contributed through their visionless politics to dramatic increase of all related humanitarian problems - for MENA-nations and -people as much as for Europe itself.


14 March 2016


Additionally ... there is something weird in preparation.
In context with some other events, this is what intuition tells.

Take care, loVe,


Again ... Whose Gain?

Amazing again, again and again - Honi soit ... ... qui mal y pense? 

I will try to keep this short.

Few days ago, Turkey military was deployed to Nusaybin and Gever in South-East Turkey areas, what this means we all know by now, and "curfews" announced.

Witness today, check out the Twitter source if you like so:

Local from Nisêbîn: We are witnessing the worst explosions of our lives right now. Turkey declared mil.curfew today.

Yesterday, 13 March 2016, the just next Ankara bombing took place. 

On March 11, Official Twitter for U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs. was advising its citizens to

Same time, 13 March 2016, "Turkish troops in Syria for operation against Kurds",
source, not one I would usually choose but time is short, Daily Mail UK:

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Russia on Sunday accused Turkey of sending its military across the Syrian border to prevent Kurdish groups there from consolidating their positions, while Turkish authorities imposed curfews on two mainly Kurdish towns where Turkey's security forces are set to launch large-scale operations against Kurdish militants.

Who, sorry so, would still believe a government of fully proven incredibility?

This attack suits the plans to distract from what really is happening just too nicely.

Additionally, a word from someone who knows situation better (and can need some funding for medical packs and the rebuilding of Rojava, by the way):


Life Is

Life is pain.

And pain is life.

I never thought I would write this one day. Always doubted the Old saying.

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

Khalil Gibran, from 'The Prophet'

Much of our pain though we receive only because it is people who do not understand and they lay their pain on us.

LoVe Always, especially to those who give their All for that Life will prevail.

Thanks for Everything so much.


07 March 2016

Report Upload

Report Uploaded.

God sees and knows.


What shit is this supposed to be - apart from all that shit that happened before?

They can not humiliate honourable people ever. Not by dragging them when dead like dogs nor by exposing killed women's bodies.

These bodies are sacred forever.

Because GOD knows how much they are honourable. Never worry. In God's eyes, those who do such are disgraced, never ever the ones to whom such is done.

And the revenge is God's. A mighty one.

If people are already on the way to help - also never mind. I would also be with you.

By the way - would I hold your hand - if we saw us in heaven? 

Yes, I would, I would remember every motion and every single sense you have been giving to others, and I would remember your face. I would testify all that I have seen and witnessed - and the fucking crux is that I see a fucking a lot. Worst of all (for others): Our kind can not be shut up.

I  am so much moving in and out that place that I am quite sure I would recognize the friends as well as those who are applying there with false testimony.

I am sent here as a watcher, to witness, and I will testify for each single one who touched my heart, no matter which way. I am never judge - God alone is.

In Heaven ( - quite near to Heathen, actually - what we all are and mostly those who believe they are on God's right side. This was a trick you did not notice, sorry so Kajeen's heirs):

LoVe 4ever,

01 March 2016

Knowledge And Technologies

Knowledge and technologies are awesome tools in the hands of mature people.

In all others's hands, they are the opposite.

Makes sense that Celts were not writing and with our Near-East ancients, communicated relevant content in riddles. Just that even this has turned against themselves and us all, in the hands of the immature and the innerly isolated who wish to gain what's lost by taking just from other beings.

As as they don't have it, no one should have. 

What a statement of their poverty.


24 February 2016

None of My Business

... is all I have to say
when people are thinking
they can appeal to
all those bindings/bondings they thought the world would go on by.

None of my Business.

Says - who?


It was you, stupid humans, who thought they'd go by with all your cheats and prostitution.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn't work that way.


PS: you are fucked and you did it yourself.

Just for clarification.

20 February 2016

Just Too Good To Not Post It ...

... without words.

With credits to the artist (no clue who but I assume he/she won't object it being spread).

LoVe (guys & girls you are awesome!),

18 February 2016

Honi soit ...

... qui mal y pense.

For days, Turkish keep attacking over the Syrian borders on SDF, the Syrian Democratic Forces, an Alliance with the YPG/YPJ.

International political voices urge this to halt, condemn.


Last night, a car bomb attack occurs on Turkish military buses. Last status, 28 died, many are wounded.

International political voices condemn this attack, reassure Turkey their 'shoulder to shoulder' alliance.


Same night, it is noted that in Amed planes are starting up.


Same night, Turkey bombs the city of Diyarbakir, Kurdish: Amed, 200 people trapped in basements. A journalist, also affected and from the basement:

"Heavy clashes are going on, and the area where we are is being bombed intensely by mortar and tank strikes. They (state forces) are making announcements, saying "We will conduct airstrikes and kill you all"."

(Source: kurdishquestion.com - others might come later, as so often)


Just for your update: death toll in the Cizre basement massacres has risen to 158 after finding more bodies under the rubble. In Cizre, despite all efforts to get International attention to halt the predictable massacre, the so urgently needed International support did not happen despite time to make it happen - people all died and yet, many of the circumstances are not brought into the public where they would belong, also because witnesses are not left alive.


Reminder note


The last time when International community started drifting from Mr Erdogan's close side, also a bombing 'happened', in Istanbul - which perfectly brought together an at that moment ailing relationship between Merkel and Erdogan.


Would it be possible, would it be just thinkable, that  ...?

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

(Prayers for those under tyrant's attacks)


09 February 2016

Always the Same

It's always the same: 

Not admitting mistakes inevitably is leading to further mistakes.

Right, Ms Merkel? How is it going with your bed partner?

Are we looking for a new name for you - may I propose Rosemary, for instance?

By facing our faults, only, we can change the game.

As finding of today, a very touching letter by a journalist on the latest events in Cizre,

A letter from the basement of death in Cizre

"The letter comes just as reports are shared that the Turkish armed forces have bombed and burned 60 civilians to death in two separate basements in Cizre.

[...] The street that used to be the scene of happy people dancing and singing is now the center of a pain that will never ease, never go away. 28 people are crying when a voice coming from the phone screams: “They have come.” Shouting, more screaming, women’s voices can be heard through the phone. One woman’s voice can be heard above the others. “Dishonorables!” she exclaims and the screams suddenly come to a halt. Now, everyone who heard those voices through the phone, have fixed their attention upon Bostanci Road number 23.

The road is like a dark well … Time has stopped. The singers in the street have gone silent. Bostanci Road is black. No cry is heard, no scream. No voice of a woman shouting “dishonorable.” What did she see that made her say that? What were those sounds, sounds like those coming from weapons. Bostanci Road is dark now. Dark like a black well where the screams and cries of the oppressed cannot be heard.

Instead of the sun rising, smoke is rising from a fire so intense that humanity cannot breathe. We cannot breathe, they cannot breathe. Bostanci Road cannot breathe. Unknown men in bulletproof vests and helmets and with guns in their hands are invading Bostanci Road. They do not belong in this street and they have never met the children of Bostanci Road. They have never seem them play, never witnessed their happiness. [...]

Kevin Carter comes to my mind, the South African photographer who took a picture of a little black girl who was dying from hunger and a vulture sitting nearby. The vulture eventually flew away after the picture was taken and Kevin Carter also left without helping the little girl. Although the photograph triggered humanitarian organizations to collect donations, Kevin Carter suffered a severe depression over the fact that he left the girl. He committed suicide. Either we become Kevin Carter or …

Right now I am fighting my guilty conscience while I am in a daze, shifting between my journalistic work and my nightmare. The basement is invaded by vultures and there are 28 people who are thirsty. Not even in my dreams can I give them water. I commit suicide every single day in those 55 days that I have lived on Bostanci Road number 23 in Cudi neighbourhood in Cizre. I put all my identities behind me except the one of me as a human being.

To give a glass of water to someone in need is harder than dying again and again. So many times I die in my nightmares. Either we end up like Kevin Carter or we do everything in our power to give a glass of water.[...]
“We have lost all our comrades and heroes. How are we supposed to live,” he said, breaking down, sobbing. Do not say men do not cry because in Cizre, they cry.

I guess one day the vultures will fly away from Bostanci Road number 23 and the sun will rise where there is now a thick, black smoke.

We journalists will not commit suicide due to a guilty conscience like Kevin Carter did. We will light up this basement and tell the truth.

We send our greetings to our colleagues who have come here from Istanbul to support journalists who are putting their lives at risk to report on the realities in North Kurdistan [Southeastern Turkey].
Let us protect the lives in the basement against the vultures!

Journalist Asya Tekin
February 8, 2016

This is how people with conscience feel. The others, anyway, feel nothing. Those are dead, already.

Please read it up as a whole in a quiet moment; it is absolutely worth the read if you wish to understand that this what is happening in Turkey is about much more than a 'PKK problem' made-up by Turkish government in order to achieve their other goals.

Don't get blinded by the blur - it is by far over time to wake up!

It's for months a genocide according to all definitions of genocide -
yet, International politics keeps looking the other way and shaking hands with the serpent.

Another, serious question:

Where are our journalists? Sipping latte macchiato in a fancy place and copy pasting some Reuters/AFP preselects is not what this profession was originally intended for.

Europe - you loose All if you keep going this way.

LoVe (for those who are still worth it),

30 January 2016

What Do People Know

What do people know about other people?


The cowards avoid the proper targets for their anger but enjoy in hitting where they 'feel strong'.

It's all ours to learn who has done to us what was done to us.
And to target well.


28 January 2016

... And You Ask Why People Get Angry?

Just some findings to recall some connections.

1. A vid on 'Police Brutality Across Turkey', compilation posted on YT as of Jun 3, 2013 already:

2. Footrage of a 'Refugee Camp' in Turkey. Reminds of ... yes, a concentration camp much more than anything else.

I am just pissed by those discussions in Europe wrt refugee crisis who claim that Turkey is a safe zone. For fascists, certainly, it is. Convince yourself of the arrangements by "Turkish gendarmerie beating Ezidi refugees in Midyat camp", published Jun 27, 2015 © ÊzîdîPress here:

And last but certainly not least,
3. A reminder of a courageous journalist: Serena Shim.

Vid interview with her when she knew she had a problem as Turkish Intelligence agency MIT had called her in, Oct 18, 2014:

And vid published Oct 19, 2014 when it was clear that she had had a "car acccident", collision of her tiny machina with a heavy truck near Suruc:

And the follow-up on how "Turkish Gendarmerie refuses to reveal identity of driver involved in accident", as of Oct 20, 2014:

It is all for too long going on and people just keep forgetting so fast. In addition, they are being kept so busy. Those with heads (& hearts) lost long ago anyway are well-trained in keeping themselves hasting; those who still have open eyes and senses are amazed how fast events happen and how quickly people get distracted in the overwhelming amounts of fast-rotating information.

Of course I am asking you to NOT follow any of my conclusions but to ALWAYS track yourself.

What I am wondering recently is:

Daesh/IS has claimed NEITHER of the major 'suicide attacks' in Turkey but almost immediately claimed a bicycle bombing (what is that called then - a BBIED?) in Syria just recently. Who then is behind the Suruc, the Ankara and the Istanbul bombings?

Cui bono - who benefits? 

Who benefits from the civil mess in Germany, who from the state of emergency in France? 

Just wondering. Nope, no hasty conclusions. There are probably many who are holding shares.

Just keeping an eye on that - informationwise.

Somehow Impossible ...

... if you don't suffer from dissociative disorder, to commemorate the Holocaust and let crimes of similar cruelty standard happen at the very same time.

Therefore, I am kindly askig everyone to please take notice of Turkey's present


If not informed, you might wish to check out "Sixth death in the sixth day of the torture in basement" or track the tweets as linked in 'Actuals'.

Wanna know what the EU is doing meanwhile? Here you go:

"[...] 2015 and 4 January 2016, requests for the indication of interim measures in connection with the curfew measures imposed since August 2015 by local governors in certain towns and villages of south-eastern Turkey. The alleged aim of the measures is to enable the security forces to maintain law and order in those places and to protect civilians from violence.
On 31 December 2015 the Court decided to ask the Turkish Government to provide it, by 8 January 2016, with certain factual information about the curfew situation and its consequences for the people concerned. The Government replied to the Court on 8 January 2016. On 12 January 2016, having examined the applicants’ requests and the information provided by the Government, the Court decided not to apply Rule 39 (Interim measures) of its Rules of Court because the elements at its disposal were insufficient.
It decided to apply Rule 40 (Urgent notification of an application) and also to deal with the applications as a priority under Rule 41 (Order of dealing with cases).
It has asked the applicants to keep it informed of any subsequent developments.
The matter has been referred to a Chamber of the Court.
Lastly, given the gravity of the situation, the Court relies on the Government to take any necessary steps to ensure that physically vulnerable individuals can have access to treatment if they so request.
The Court also observes that it remains open to the applicants to make a fresh request for interim measures should new evidence or circumstances arise. [...]"
Source: ECRH press release as of January, 13, 2016 doc ECHR 016 (2016) 13.01.2016
- available as Requests for lifting of curfew measures in south-eastern Turkey.pdf.

Clear type:

If you are ongoingly raped and urgently ask EU Court of Human Rights for help because all efforts to peacefully and within the usual democratic measures communicate with the rapist only end up that your lawyer is shot in the street or imprisoned and your children bleed out lying in the streets, EU will advise the rapist to take care of the cause. 


If meanwhile there are any new events, please let them know so they can file it. 


EU: there are evidence and incidents one just after the other!
You'd just need to open your eyes, or simply respond when
you are being begged to do your duties over and over!

As European, deeply ashamed of Western governments and leaders,

17 January 2016

Finding of the Day - Another Interesting Piece in the Puzzle

A very touching and insightful article from VICE NEWS as of November 19, 2015:

Inside the $100 Million Scheme to Send the Middle East's Most Unwanted People to Africa

"For Kuwait's disaffected youth — bedoun and full citizens alike — groups like al Qaeda and IS have increasing appeal, al-Fadhli said, and Al Taimam is being targeted by recruiters for jihadist groups abroad that promise riches, glory, and a place to belong. In September, a Kuwaiti court sentenced seven men to death for their part in the bombing of a Shia mosque in Kuwait City by the local wing of IS. Among their number was Abdulrahman Sabah Saud, a Kuwaiti bedoun who had confessed to driving the bomber to the mosque. Several Kuwaiti bedoun interviewed for this story told VICE News that recruiters for both al Qaeda and IS have come to view Al Taimam as a rich recruiting ground."

Riches, glory, and a place to belong.

Aren't these the basics of Maslow's pyramid of needs - apart from riches, but when you are so deprived of anything, even citizenship of the country you are born in, don't sound riches and glory just perfect?

The article is very touching, in many ways. And well worth reading to get an understanding of contexts. And another proof of burnt soil for generations the allied powers have left behind in the Middle East and elsewhere.

In the end - it is indeed Youth Bulge, a social effect the UN knew about for decades, simply failing to act in time and in appropriate ways but to the contrary was sponsoring the wrong actions. Lack of perspective is what the whole planet has left over after the industrial age and despite we live 500 years past medieval times and despite all insight we should have gained meanwhile.

Not learned anything?
Sometimes I get the feeling that people were wiser 10.000 years before this time.

We need some cultural evolution of an in-depth kind.


12 January 2016

A Little Superstition

Today's Istanbul bombing was, according to the non regularly elected Turkish President with whom EU is trading, committed by

'a Syrian, born in 1988'.

Kidding, right?

You can read up what I wrote about the coded meaning of '88' or you can find it also yourself. Rarely seen a person driving a double game so long and so far. He must be very sure of himself and that none can do anything against what he does.

By the way:

"Turkey: EU risks complicity in violations as refugees and asylum-seekers locked up and deported"

And btw:
Mohammed Rasool is released from Turkish prison on bail - but this you probably already noticed ;-)

LoVe for the Kurdish people, peace to the brave souls who gave their lives for freedom,

06 January 2016

January 8

January 8.

Just my guess and for that I have written it down.

LoVe (continuously),