27 February 2013


The way to overcome a fear is to

Face it, face it, face it and face it.
Until you have found the switch.

The same holds for traumata. 

Traumata are fears, engraved.


Depression is the gaoler.

And sometimes what holds you down can look soooooooo innocent that you would never dare to question. ;)

In other cases it is also something you were tabooed ... another good reason to question taboos.

You can break them by opening the box.
Never be afraid ... all you may find is good.
The only thing is that YOU need to promise to yourself to deal with it.

And now some happy reprogramming ... and my best wishes for your success,


The kittycat is innocent ... it's just a 'picture' for your 'other' brain hemisphere. To get it what is meant. :)

25 February 2013


Information, though we have definitely entered the information era for quite a while, still remains relative. Everything is relativ, of course. If we deal with information we need to be aware of how communication functions - and of how people function, fundamentally and basically. Otherwise we won't be able to distinguish the lots of information we receive neither to process in proper ways.

We need to learn about motivations and goals of people who deliver and spread information. We got to understand the ways of expressing messages and the ways of talking around a core message.

We need to understand about communication and even psychology a lot. Because often enough people do not lie consciously but simply dissociate and/or are projecting. Therefor, it is of relevance to understand how we function. And still, humans function mainly and basically as the animals that we are born into.

It is us who direct where we go. Each one of us. There are no excuses when we only follow what others have defined, due to our shere idleness. Or due to the triggers we function on. Remember, those are not yours; those have been imposed on you due to where you were born but have nothing to do with your real self.

It is our personal duty to become aware of who we are and what we are here for. As inconvenient as this might be. We got to dig deeper to rise.

Just as reminder: we have not been placed on this planet to multiply materially. We are here for bearing fruit as we ripen our selves: which has nothing and really nothing to do with doing it like rabbits do.

Have a nice start into a brandnew, a real GOOD week.

Just try to make sure you go for what YOU really wanted, not for what someone else or 'many elses' have imposed on you.


19 February 2013

A Warrior's View

At first, I was learning to fight. Against what felt not right.

As I grew, I understood it's more worthy to fight for.

And now, I am just learning to not fight anymore.

It works, as a process, in no other order. If it has to do with growth, a seedling first needs to break through the surface of the soil. Then, it heads for the light for being with and soaking energy. Just with this, it can grow its roots deep into the soil where there is water and the rest of materials it needs.
Picture yourself.

The other aspect is that no one can let go what he or she has not been in for before. So when someone states he or she has no probs in letting go, but never fought at first against and next step for anything:  most likely this person is simply too afraid. For anything. Then such statement is the easiest to gain illusionary superiority, before oneself and before others.

But it remains illusionary: there was no process and such, no learning effect at all. 

Apathy with a well-sounding excuse is not the same as being able to really let go. Letting go something which is of worth for us is a sincere act.

Just being indifferent ... is only being not determined enough to make a statement or committment. And probably a good excuse to not act, as when we act we can win but also loose.

It keeps away from exploring one's inside, from strong feelings and also from growth.

Cheers, have a nice day and keep on tracking.
Else you might wake up one day and find your self float like a masterless boat.


14 February 2013

Just Like This

In many regards what you become is what you are filling yourself with. What you will be is what you are able to allow flowing through you without getting tormented. 

The latter is largely a matter of own decision.

Sometimes people only see what has been done to them by unconsciously doing just the same to another person who is just as they once were. Sometimes people are sent on our ways to experience exactly this.
Now ask yourself how often you get persons sent into your life who accept you exactly as what you are? Is it so hard to let down the harnish most of us have built around during a lifetime where they have experienced the full cruelty of the absence of all that we really need? Is it so hard to be looked at with love as what we really are and still to be loved - as what we are?

In the reflection of what we do, we can see ourselves. If we wanted to.

Just by NOT doing to another child what has destroyed the child in us, we can heal our child and another child at the very same time. By having mercy with other souls, not by obeying the pressures we have known from the moment we came here, we also have mercy with our selves.

We got the power. Definitely. It is in us.


Fasting. Rising. Breaking Chains (V-Day)

Having on my mind for today two issues:

One of them is about fasting.

The major benefit of fasting is simply to break habits. Habits in eating, in behaviour, in anything we are used to. A nice and welcome side-effect may be to get detoxicated from what intoxicates us too often and as we are so used to, we have lost our senses for feeling it. For feeling us and also for feeling the others around.

It is about just to think what we daily do and become aware.

Get away from self-destructive habits which are even not your own. Whether it is compensation for what you are really missing. Or just a stupid practice you even don't feel for but got so used to.

So think about! ;)

And the other topic is:

A rise. Sincerely.

One billion rising, actually.

'I refuse to watch as more than a billion women experience violence on the planet.'

Let's break the rules (and)
Break the Chain.

Please check out why, at
V-Day.org home.

A good idea is to 

Just do it


Take a heart now.
Namely yours.


13 February 2013

Finding of the Day - Not and Alone

To be alone
without one to love
is a waste to the body

To be not alone
without one to love
is a waste to the soul

Love is harmony

Seems to be text by Su Yen Lu in the television series "Kung Fu", quoting her father.

Saw it ... liked it.

Have a good time in the coming time,

Pic reference: Beautifúl 'White Lily Flower' found on flowers-picture.blogspot.de. You know I love them :)

07 February 2013

Finding of the Day - What will it benefit?

... a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life?

Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? 

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)


For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul?

Or what will a person give to regain his soul?

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)

Both found and selected on Online Parallel Bible. A great source (and the only one I know online to this standard) if you want to look at the the different possibilites of inter-pretation of a same source. Especially if you are a searcher yourself and wish to look at the Hebrew or Greek version, too. Just to compare the meaning of the two translations to 'exchange' and 'regain' is nightfilling. In another version the term 'soul' equivalents the word 'life'. And this is what it is. No soul - machine. Machine - no life. (Did I tell you that I love huge and powerful machines and talk to computers and systems?)

Just yesterday my daughter sat with me and sparklingly told me about that other people noticed her voice getting more and more soul when she is singing just for fun.

She went through a lot last year. She grew - inside. Voice makes it clear.

Definitely souls grow with what they  go through. 



See, you only lose when you don't dare going for life itself. Your life, of course. You got yours as a major gift - the main gift we can receive. If we avoid living, what do we earn? What do we achieve if we do not go for what our soul tells us?  If we go for what others tell us or have told us in the past so that we still are stuck with their wishes and influences?

Nothing, I fear. But this is my opinion.

The quote is actually robbed a little from the website of an actor I know coincidentally and who plays both film and theatre.

I didn't know where the quote is from and the man I actually met again when buying my longtime favourite dustbin. Life is like this - looking coincidentially, being all perfect. It is again only us who do not see the miracles. All knowledge is ready for us. It is us who need to be ready for the knowledge only.

And miracles happen in every day life.

Just start being open.

All is perfectly set up and made. Only human fly perception (you know what I mean?) makes us think we are the ones who manage.

We can create though - and feel the joy this gives. 

Eve felt when she realized for the very first time. Again - a metapher. About how counsciousness came into human life.

If there is no joy .... it was no creation. And joy differs severely from lust or just fun. It fulfils. It is deep. It exists out of the act of creation, deep inside of us.

Think about ... hopefully.
